Our story…

As a working mom of two our Founder became frustrated with the lack of options available to women that were struggling to balance motherhood and work.

Inspired by many conversations she had with other working moms (both with her friends and on her podcast, The Mom’s Career Guide) she decided to launch Hire Mamas in 2022.

The realization that there should be a place for women to connect to GOOD part-time, remote, and flexible work options was the inspirations for HireMamas.com and our mission to connect moms to Work that Works.

“After becoming a mom, I immediately recognized that my flexible medical sales role was the only way that I could remain in the workforce. While I was grateful that my work allowed me the flexibility I needed to stay engaged as a mother and as a professional, I recognized that most women did not have the same freedom or opportunity." - Carla Jallo

Here at HireMamas our mission is to elevate working motherhood and to offer up better and more abundant options to professionals that also happen to be moms.

We have successfully created a unique platform and a space on the web where highly skilled working professionals (that also happen to be moms) can connect to great remote and flexible work opportunities with amazing companies.

This mission also extends to the companies we choose to partner with. Our goal is to identify and connect great companies to amazing and highly skilled women that can do their roles from home or in a more flexible way. We believe that companies benefit when they hire moms, and we love partnering with like-minded and remote-first companies that share our mission.

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Contact Us


(833) 505-3424

Email enterprise@hiremamas.com

6339 Charlotte Pike, Nashville, TN, 37209

Meet our Founder

  • Carla Jallo

    Carla Jallo is a multifaceted leader with a passion for helping people unlock alignment within their careers. She has a background in Medical Diagnostic and Software Sales, and is also one of East Tennessee’s most sought after Resume Writers.

    When she’s not working or in the carpool line, she spends her free time with her husband and two children doing just about anything that involves good food, good friends, and good wine.

    “While I currently have a few titles, my favorite one is Mom. I do all the things I do so that I’m able to spend as much time as possible with the two little people I care the most about. I think most moms are that way. Working remotely and having flexibility has been critical for our family, and I’d like for other families to share that same luxury. That’s why I launched HireMamas and that’s why I’m driven to create better and more abundant career options for Moms that are either actively engaged or aspiring to re-enter in the workforce.”